Entrepreneur’s Handbook

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An e-book to help you save and learn how to make your business idea a reality. Both at the beginning of your journey and when you implement new solutions in an existing business.

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An Entrepreneur’s Handbook full of knowledge

Analyzing the business press, following portals describing interesting facts from the world of startups, we can get acquainted with various cases of young companies, which can boast of a great history, stories of success and thousands of customers. However, among these stories, some do not have a happy ending. Why does this happen? Why do businesses fail? Why does it often occur right after the start? There can be many reasons. This e-book will show you ways to minimize the risk of financial and advertising failure.

Inside you will find almost 100 pages and on them, among other things:

Refundacja kosztów na starcie

Reducing start-up costs


Why we should follow the MVP methodology

Strategie i testy produktów oraz usług

Product and service strategies and testing

Popełnianie błędów

Is it okay to make mistakes and do you have to do it

Jak długo tworzy się produkt

How long does it take to create a product and why 5 days


and much more

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Don’t be afraid to try. You can apply the MVP methodology described in the Entrepreneur’s Handbook to various industries and technologies. I’ll show you how to do it most effectively. 

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The expert comments you will find in the handbook

Witold Chomiczewski
Witold Chomiczewski
Attorney-in-law and partner at Lubasz and Partners law office

Leader of E-Commerce specialization at Lubasz and Partners Law Firm. He specializes in IT law and new technologies.

Agnieszka Sygitowicz
Agnieszka Sygitowicz
Vice President of the Lodz Special Economic Zone

She started her career in the Cohesion Fund Department at the Ministry of Transport. Since 6 April 2016. Vice President of the Board of the Lodz Special Economic Zone.

Magdalena Olczak
Magdalena Olczak
Investment Manager

She wrote her dissertation on the role of venture capital funds in the Polish startup ecosystem. As part of her research, she conducted over 50 in-depth interviews with VC funds, startups, and business environment institutions related to the startup ecosystem.

Piotr Bucki
Piotr Bucki
Communications trainer, coach, practice, author, lecturer

An architect who designs competencies instead of buildings. An actor who prefers lecture halls to the stage. A psychologist who puts knowledge into practice, helping people polish their competences.

Entrepreneur's handbook
minipodrecznik 1

Don't be afraid to try. You can apply the MVP methodology described in the Entrepreneur's Handbook to various industries and technologies. I'll show you how to do it most effectively. 

Adres URL: https://trojanczyk.pl/entrepreneurs-handbook

Autor: Adam Trojanczyk

Nazwisko: Entrepreneur’s handbook

Adres URL: https://trojanczyk.pl/entrepreneurs-handbook

Autor: Adam Trojanczyk

Data opublikowania: 2019-02-07

Format: https://schema.org/EBook

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